About May ISD
Together we can accomplish great things!

Frequently Asked Questions
We hope our website is a valuable resource that you will use time and again. Here we’ve compiled some of your most frequently-asked questions.
How do I register my child for school?
If you are new to our area and need to register for school, you can find out more information on our
- Your child's birth certificate.
- Your child's immunization records.
- Proof of residency (in the form of a utility bill).
- Any records from your child's previous school
What time does school start and end?
Both the elementary and junior high/high school begin at 7:55 AM and release at 3:37 PM.
What do I do if my child is late for school?
Tardies affect the entire class, so we appreciate all students who get to school on time. If your child must be late, we ask him or her to stop by their campus office and get a pass before heading to class.
My child must miss a day of school. How do I proceed?
If you know your child must be absent, please send a note to your child's teacher explaining the circumstances and date(s) of the absence. We will try our best to get any work together that your child might miss. If your child is sick, please call the office the morning of the absence, and let us know where your child is. Not only do we want to make sure your child is safe, we also want to mark your child as "excused." If we do not receive a call or note explaining the absence, we will record it as "unexcused." Please notify our school nurse if you suspect or your child has recently tested positive with COVID-19.
What do I need to do in order to withdraw my child from school?
Please let us know if your family will be moving. Your child will need to turn in any textbooks, library books, sports equipment, and/or computers he or she may have at home. You will also need to clear any debt you may have with our school (such as any outstanding meal charges)
We know that many students have a cell phone. We ask that students keep their cell phones turned off and stored in their backpacks or locker during the school day. If we see a student using a cell phone during the school day, we will confiscate the phone. We also do not allow other types of devices at school, including hand-held game systems, mp3 devices, tablets, etc. Please note that we are no responsible for items student bring to school in the event they are lost or stolen.
We expect students at May ISD schools to dress neatly and appropriately, and to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect credit to themselves, their families, and their school. The following dress is unacceptable:
⦁ Tight fitting clothing
⦁ Midriff or halter-tops
⦁ Shorts/skirts that are too short
⦁ Transparent or revealing clothing
⦁ Clothing with pictures or names vulgar in form or meaning or promoting alcohol or drugs
⦁ Bare feet
⦁ Hats worn indoors
⦁ Hats worn in an improper manner
⦁ Sunglasses indoors
⦁ Body markings or body piercing
⦁ Any other clothing or items that the administration feels is too suggestive or inappropriate for school
⦁ Tight fitting clothing
⦁ Clothing that is too short
⦁ Net shirts with nothing underneath
⦁ Clothing with pictures or names vulgar in form or meaning or promoting alcohol or drugs
⦁ Earrings
⦁ Bare feet
⦁ Shirtless or muscle shirts with cut out armholes
⦁ Hats worn indoors
⦁ Hats worn in an improper manner
⦁ Sunglasses worn indoors
⦁ Body markings or body piercing
⦁ Loose hanging objects on person such as chains, straps, necklaces, etc. which could result in injury to a student or cause a distraction in the classroom.
⦁ Any other clothing or items that the administration feels is too suggestive or inappropriate for school
We do not allow students to have any medications in their possession during school hours. If your child must take medication during school hours, please bring the prescription or over-the-counter medication to the nurse or nurse assistant at school. We ask that medication be in its original container along with written orders from the doctor and a signed parental consent. You can contact our school nurse at (254) 259 - 3711 Ext. 1203.
One of our main goals is to provide a safe learning environments for all students. We do not tolerate bullying in any form. For information on how to report bullying or any other safety and security concern, please visit our